The Fifth Annual Edgetone Music Summit
Luggage Store Gallery, San Francisco/ 21 Grand, Oakland, July 27-30, 2006
Positive Knowledge (Iljeoma Thomas, Oluyemi Thomas, Spirit)
Nirisu III (Susan Allen, Nicholas Chase, Rus Pearson )
Steven Baker
Kelp Call (conducted by Krystyna Bobrowski )
The Crank Ensemble (Conducted by Larnie Fox)
smgsap (Shea M Gauer and Scott A Peterson)
gal*in_dog (Guillermo Galindo)
Ettrick (Jacob Felix Heule, Jay Korber)
The S[wpot] Ensemble (directed by Suki O'Kane)
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Edgetone Music Summit The Luggagestore Gallery, 21 Grand
Copyright 2006